Pond Cooling Systems
There are six main ways too cool induction furnaces. Each one is different and has a specialized process. Two of these cooling process are pond systems. They are called cooling pond system, and spray pond system.
A cooling pond system is constructed over an area of ground that is flat, and does not allow water to pass through. The pond water is treated with chlorine to keep organisms out. The pond allows heat loss through many different ways. They are evaporation, convection and radiation. Evaporation allows the surface of a liquid to become gaseous and enter the atmosphere. Convection allows hotter water to separate from colder water. The colder water sinks to the bottom and allows the hot water to rise. This creates a way for hot water to be evaporative. Radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves through a medium. The depth of the pond area depends on the number of degrees of cooling required.
A spray pond system cools hot water from induction coils by using convection and evaporation. These processes must be used before the water is pumped back to the induction coils. Convection occurs during the exchange of heat from hot water to air. Fine droplets of water at the surface of the pool release energy and allow it to pass to the air. The air then expands becomes less dense and rises. Evaporation also allows the reduction of temperature in water as well. Evaporative cooling occurs in the number of nozzles used. The nozzles spray water across the area of pond in conjunction with air to cool the water.