EPA and Guidelines for Steel Foundry Admissions
Many different manufacturing company’s use induction furnaces to create their products. Plastic die molding and steel manufacturing are two examples. As the metal or plastic burns, energy is transferred through the form of smoke. The smoke has many different chemicals and particulates. These particulates and chemicals are measured in the form of emissions. The EPA or Environmental Protection Agency monitors and calculates how much emissions are in the air. They set up regulations that determine what needs to be taken care of and monitored per industry.
The EPA set in motion an act called the Clean Air Act. This act called for states and the EPA to work together to solve, reduce, or get rid of air pollution problems. For example, the manufacturing of steel must be categorized into two areas that use electric arc furnaces. One area is called a major source, and the other is called an area source. Areas sources must emit less than 10 tons per year of a single air toxic. Any amount of higher than this emission is considered a major source. Electric arc furnaces areas sources must use motor vehicle scraps that are participate in the EPA. By separating these two sites the EPA is able to better regulate and reduce mercury emissions. Another rule set forth by the EPA regulates that major sources must develop standards that restrictive emission to levels that are consistent with the lowest-emitting plants.